Beaches Aquatic Center, Inc.

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297 Aquatic Drive
Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233
Telephone (904) 246-3822

Swim Team

 Summer swim team is included in a family membership. There is a $60.00 league registration fee required. This fee is used for insurance, trophies and awards for the swimmers.

For non-members the fees are:
     First Child $135.00 + league registration of $60.00
     Second Child $125.00 + league registration of $60.00
     Third Child $115.00 + league registration of $60.00

The swim team will begin practice on Monday May 3, 2010. Practice will be 5 days a week.
8 years of age and under 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm
9 and up 4:30pm to 5:30 pm.
(Monday thru Friday) from 4:00 to 5:30 pm.

For more information, contact the pool at 246-3822 or come by the pool during team practice.

We placed first in our division for the 2004 season.

To see a picture of the 2007 swim team click here.

For the 2010 Summer Swim Meet Schedule click here

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